RECOMMENDATION FOR AUTHORS                         


With a quarterly apparition and an inter-disciplinary thematic, the Romanian Journal of Materials publishes the results of original research in the field of science and oxides materials engineering - ceramics, glass, binders-concretes, building materials, composites,  bio- and nano- materials with special properties and applications, substances, procedures and devices for medecine, inter- and trans - disciplinary new materials, as well as papers on modelling phenomena, processes and their mechanism.


Papers presentation

For publication are accepted only papers with original results that have not been previously published and whose content is related to the journal topics. Papers can be sent bilingual (Romanian and English) or in English only. English language papers from Romanian authors should have the title, summary, text figures, tables and legend, bilingual. It is recommended that the work  to be within a maximum of 10 pages, including figures and  the number of authors must be justified by content. Authors must write the address and the corresponding author will also send the e-mail and phone. The title should not contain abbreviations.

The abstract should contain 10-15 lines. The keywords will be inserted after the abstract in English.  The paper will be written in Arial 10, left aligned and 1 row spaced. Romanian version will contain diacritical characters. The text should be referred to the position of tables and figures. The title and content of tables and figures should be written in Arial 8 and within the range of 8 - 16 cm wide.

There are accepted only portrait oriented table and figures. Figures must be clear, in jpg or tif format. Drawings and diagrams are inserted in text  (lines should have the thickness at least 3 mm or 0.5 mm line). Diagrams should be only white/black, and coordinates diagrams in English only. Authors should be responsible for writing the English version of the paper. The work will not be accepted if it is not appropriated as scientific level and expression in English is not correct. It is recommended that figures / charts should not exceed 30% of the content of the paper. To publish a figure that appeared in another publication, authors must have written consent of the respective source to reproduce the figure and send it to the publisher. Manuscripts should be sent in electronic format (doc or docx) to the e-mail:; or


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Contents 1/2024



For the Authors



Editorial Board






The Foundation








Structure of the papers

The paper has to consist of two distinct parts.

The introduction, prepared on the basis of the literature data, has to be succinct and clear, related to the object of the paper and constitutes a support for the correct interpretation of the original results. Recent literature citation is expected to be included in Bibliography chapter.

The second part must describe the conditions and experimental procedures that have been used, results and their interpretation. The results and their interpretation have to be at a high scientific level, by highlighting the original contribution of the paper. It ends with conclusions which have to be succinct and clear formulated. Only International System units have be used.


The references quoted in the paper will be numbered from 1 to n, by figures placed between straight brackets, following the order of the quotation in the text. Quotation way for articles in journals, volumes of some conferences, books, doctorate theses or patents are given below:

[1] H. M. Khater, Influence of metakaolin on resistivity of cement mortar to magnesium chloride solution, CeramicsSilikáty, 2010,  54(4), 325.

[2] R. Chang, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fracture, Brighton, April 1997, edited by P.L.Pratt (Chapman & Hall, London, 1996) p. 306.

[3] G.Voicu, PhD thesis, Binding Materials for stomatology, University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania, 2005.

[4] F.E.Funkenbusch and T.T.Tran, Zirconium Oxide Fibers and Process for Their Preparation, U.S.Pat. No.4937212, June 26, 1990.

[5]  xxx, SR 3518:2009 Tests on concretes. Determination of the freeze-thawing resistance by  measuring the variation of the resistance strength and/or the dynamic relative elastic

Papers that not require to these guidelines will not be accepted for peer review.




The articles proposed by the authors are subject to a peer review to be carried out by 2 specialized reviewers, a process that may take 90 days at the most. After the review has taken place, the editorial staff receives the reports based on which it is decided if the proposed paper may be included in the following 4 categories:  ·   accepted for publication · proposed for publication with the modifications suggested by the reviewers · rejected for publication (too many major technical observations · rejected for publication (it does not cover the topics of the journal. If the sent texts require modifications, the term for taking the decision of publication is delayed.   In this case the author must take into consideration all the reviewers’ remarks answering to them point by point. The modified text will be written in a different colour. The author will be informed of the editor’s decision by e-mail. 




After the paper is accepted by the Editorial Board, the authors are asked to transfer the copy right in order of efficient data dissemination.

  All the rights are reserved and no articles or parts of these, translations included, may be reproduced without the editor’s that may be requested at the following e-mail addresses:; or The exception is higher education institutions that may use the articles for internal use.